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Its’ always an amazing day at LA State Historic Park!

July 16, 2023 was our first collab with our partners in crime from the Santa Monica Mountains Fund. We gave a way hundreds of plants, watered the habitat, educated a bunch of Monarch Heroes and had a delicious breakfast and coffee from La Monarca Bakery, compliments of our partners at LA River State Park Partners. There was a fantastic presentation from native plant superhero Antonio Sanchez of SAMOFUND

It was so much fun, we did it again on June 29, 2024!

Repeat above, plus an amazing presentation from SAMOFUND Monarca, Susi Corona and LASHP Ranger Luis Rincon.

PLUS! WE PLANTED 100 MORE MILKWEED PLANTS with the help about 30 CA Parks Foundation Heroes! LA Monarca was provided by ADCCLA!

Photos by Joseph Casado & Laura Velkei

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